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tisdag 15 mars 2016


Undrar om Roger fick lära sig att behandla sådant här på kursen i basal idrottsmedicin.....

Rugby Player Gets His Penis Almost Gets Ripped Off During A Match

A rugby league player says his penis was nearly torn off in a game last month.
Haydn Peacock suffered the partial dismemberment while playing for French team AS Carcassonne last month.
Luckily, he’s now fine and able to joke about it.
“When we played the other week their centre pretty much ripped my penis off”, he told journalist and former player Guy Williams, who runs the website French Footy.
Haydn Peacock was raised in Australia but has a British passport and represents Ireland internationally.
The intimate injury happened when a player from St Esteve Catalans Dragons grabbed his groin.

Haydn needed eleven stitches.
Think about that for a second, eleven stitches.
“I took the ball off the scrum and made a half-break, and their centre has come across from the inside and reached out in a last-ditch effort and has got a hold of my penis with one hand and pulled me down.”

He continued playing, somehow not noticing the damage until half-time.
“I checked on it and the skin is half ripped off and I was like, where’s the doctor?
“In all of my career I’ve never heard of anyone having anything like that happen – 11 stitches in the penis”
Despite the tough tackle on his tough tackle, Haydn won’t be wearing protection for future encounters.
“I remember I had to strap it all up for the next game…the coach wanted me to go out and buy a cup but I’m not going to play with a cup,
“I got the stitches out and it’s all sweet. No dramas.”

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