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Just nu är jag Ordförande i Pingvin RC.
Mina favoritlag är naturligtvis Pingvin RC men också Wasps!

fredag 11 december 2015

Lucka 11

Name: David Mobbs-Smith (Mobbs) 
Role in union:  Head Coach National Senior, Academy and u18 in Women 7s
Occupation: Professional Coach Based in London England
Best (7s) rugby moments: Ramblin Jesters beating England 2013. Sweden Women u18s beating Russia 2015  

What is the greatest challenge for Swedish Rugby?
The union being able to deliver quality coaching to all levels of player capability across the country. In the long term competent coaches following an education development pathway is the best way to encourage new converts, maintain interest for those already playing and deliver talented athletes going forward to the elite programme.
Where will Swedish Rugby be in 10 years?
I can only speak for the women’s game but I do believe that playing at the top table (Grand Prix) is a genuine short term objective with that being a platform to launch a viable Olympic bid particularly if the number of qualifying nations increases in the future (2020/2024).
Why is rugby the best sport?
I love my involvement in rugby. Off the field of play the sport has a number of components that sets it apart. Comradeship. Common values. An international family. On the field it is high octane, gladiatorial in nature, yet it is actually a highly skilled ball game demanding technical and tactical acumen.
Why are you coaching in Sweden?
I was asked to come and take two sessions. On my arrival on a personal note I found kindred spirits who needed what help I could offer and in the nature of rugby worldwide in a very short time found myself amongst friends. On a professional note there is the potential to achieve great things in 7s. The participation numbers may not be high but the determination, commitment, natural physicality and sporting character of the people of Sweden if supported by sufficient funding and leadership can certainly outperform the expectation on paper. I also have the luxury of working with a number of talented people (Jonas Ahl, Anna-Lena Swartz, Britt Westesson and Jonas Toresater) whose support makes it possible  to create an elite experience for the players. Thanks to their tireless help a programme following best practice is now in Place.

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